
Closing the Divide in America 07.12.16
There's been a lot said about the current climate in America. The talk about gun control, or lack there of. The race divide has seemed to
 have widened, or bublle to the surface since the nomination of Obama. The relationship between black civilians and cops has become more publicly strained than I've witnessed in my lifetime. There has to be more dialogue, more understanding, more education between those who have these differences. If we take the time to speak, have conversations w/ those we believe are so different than us, I believe we will find many similarities between us. 
Who can we look to for resolutions, some want celebrity entertainers to take the burden, I believe there's not enough pressure placed on the people who's job it ACTUALLY is to come up w/ the solutions to these problems. City Council Members, School Board Member, City Representative, City Administrator, Mayor, Congress Member, Govenors ARE NOT BEING HELD TO THE STANDARDS OF THERE POSITIONS. So who has solutions? #AltonSterling #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #PhilandoCastile #GunControl #AllLivesMatter #BlueLivesMatter #DPD 